One wildly underutilized channel for driving a bunch of leads and a bunch of new business to agencies is meetups.

Eugene Yee built Meetup’s Messaging platform on iOS, allowing members to extend their Meetup experience beyond face-to-face encounters. This feature also increased Meetup’s average user session length by 28%.

In 8 weeks, he wrote the on-boarding flow, which provides a fun, informative experience for new users to register for Meetup, and join groups quickly and easily. This feature helped increase their group-joins by 60%, and app downloads by 16%. Eugene is now Master Software Engineer at Capital One.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • how Alex influenced Eugene to start his meetup?
  • how did Eugene frame his meetup?
  • how to structure a meetup?
  • how to find a venue?
  • how to get free pizza for an event?
  • what if nobody shows up at your first meetup?
  • how to remember the people you meet at the meetup?
  • why ‘I don’t have enough time for a meetup’ is an excuse?
  • how to promote a meetup?

Find Eugene here:

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About The Author

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Alex Berman is the founder and chief content creator of X27 Marketing. He is passionate about promoting efficient B2B lead generation channels and executing on data-driven strategies for his clients.